Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Parents - Learning tips from Children for parents

Parents always teach children in their personal development.  During the beginning of child's first steps parents hold child hands and make them practice walking step by step.  We not only enjoy teaching the walking process but also turn to tears when it falls and gets a sprain during the learning process.

But did you ever think that a parent also can learn a thing or two from child.  You doubt this?  Then read the remaining and you will agree to learn some important life things from a child.

If you observe younger kids about play school age, you will see how they fight or argue with other kids for the toys they like.  They would not give up and keep nagging till they get their prize toy. But the important thing you can observe is that this does not continue for long.  by the end of the day they forget what happened and mingle with the same kids and play happily.  So one very good thing a parent can learn from the child that, one should vent out the feelings and become normal again the soonest keeping away the disputes that took place.

Children think creatively. They can pick up anything, can play, sing all day without getting distracted from what they were doing. Parents can get inspiration from them regarding concentration and devotion to what they would be doing.

And yet another important thing we can learn from children is about consistent energy levels.  From sunrise to sunset kids keep on playing with the same energy levels.  Even after a slip down, they get up immediately and continue with the play.  Parents can take a cue from this too.  Never bog down from the situational hurdles and continue pursuing your goal.


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