Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Sex-education for teen girls

Present society is depriving teenagers of information that affect their life and future.  When teenagers hit puberty, their hormones rage naturally high.  There is understandably more to puberty than the curse. Boys' hormones are raging even more than girls, with an added peer-pressure to score.

When your child started understanding this world, as a parent you are always there.  Why you don’t want to be there when it comes to understanding sex and its consequences as a teen.  For most parents it is difficult to strike a conversation, but it is compulsory and should be timely.

A teen girl may not understand the biological and emotional changes she is experiencing due to the changes in her physical body.  She starts spending more time with friends and less with parents, but she needs to understand her body and emotional changes.  Her friends may share their feelings with your daughter, but might not be giving her accurate or safe information.   She may come under peer pressure for various reasons in her early teenage years, but with proper knowledge she can counter this pressure.  Ensure that she understands what you explain her and implements your advice, and not that of her immature and inexperienced friends.

The first and most obvious aspect of sex education for teenage girls is menstruation and her first period. Don’t leave her with the burden of having to interpret or make sense of the experience without any help or support. She should be expecting it and know what to do when it occurs.

Share Accurate Information

Things etched hard into your brain when one hears them for the first time.  So don’t be afraid and hold back any right information as they need to know everything and, be the first to share right information.  She may hear conflicting and inaccurate information from her friends which should not become the one she prefers to follow.

Biological changes
First thing that confuses a teen girl is development in her body.  Explain the mechanics of the period i.e., what is it, and why and when it happens. She needs to know how to deal with it, so discuss different types and brands of sanitary towels and pain management techniques. Your daughter will need to understand that the period is natural and isn’t something to be frightened about.

The menstruation cycle can be a complex process to explain to a young teenage girl, but it is important that she understands her body. You could explain that her body gives signals of which phase of the cycle she is going though at each particular time and she should recognize and understand these signals. 

Emotional Changes

Teen girl will understandably be experiencing some emotional changes as well. This is very normal, as the body starts producing new hormones, which affect the mood and the disposition of the girl. You will need to discuss the potential problems and tension which these mood swings may cause.

As a parent you be the guide to your teen daughter in handling potentially tricky situations of puberty, both at physical and emotional level.


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