Monday, July 23, 2012

How to be a successful parent

To be a successful doctor, engineer, teacher, fitter, clerk or whatever, all take energy, time, knowledge and commitment. BEING A GREAT PARENT IS NO DIFFERENT, AND PERHAPS EVEN HARDER.

Being a great parent is not a part-time job. Parenting is a full-time and lifelong commitment. As a parent it’s your responsibility to nurture children for the well-being of all family members involved. No doubt you need huge amount of patience, energy, time and wisdom in bringing up their children. But your hard work and positive attitude turn out to be real worthy in the long run.

Very few satisfactions in life are as great as watching your child grow up into a happy and successful person. To turn your child into a successful person, you need to be parenting good. Here are some important tips for you:

Children do not come with an instruction booklet or an easy plug-in connection like in a computer. They are complex and demand skilled and knowledgeable parents. No parents start the parenting knowing very much or as an expert. The easy way to understand children is to listen to them with attention. By listening to them you would also make them feel important. No parents start the parenting knowing very much or as an expert. Parents raise their children but in the process parents also learn and grow into the matured human beings.
Rather than getting angry at your children, it is better to talk with other parents who have experienced the same thing. Your child is not much different than other children and you probably would have similar questions that other parents ask. So talk to your family members who have children about dealing with complicated situations. Talk to other parents, could be friends at your work, thoughtful neighbors, whosoever.
You would feel inadequate around your children when you don’t know what to do in a particular situation. It takes dedication and serious effort to learn more and more about how to be a great parent. You could also read newspaper articles and magazines. Remember that it’s essential to have a support network of resources that improves your knowledge about various child problems.
Time is very important in any relationship and in case of children even more. It only helps to boost their self-esteem. You should take time off from your busy schedule to spend quality time with your children and try not to ignore them. It is very important to understand the feelings of your child.

As a parent do not interfere in matters, which are of less importance and the ones that concern the children only. By interfering you are not letting the children learning the consequences of their action. You should allow children to come up with their own solutions to a problem that they themselves have caused. This helps them in remembering not to repeat the same mistakes again. As a parent you should monitor the situations so as to offer help when they need.

Last but not the least, you should never ever give in to certain demands of children, even if they are shouting, screaming, crying or throwing tantrums. Children usually have this habit to get what they want to by throwing tantrums. Such a strict way of dealing with your kids will help you gain the respect of your child and also make them understand that you mean what you say. The only way that a child can understand and not use the act of aggression in the later stages of life is only when the parents are kind yet firm in dealing with them.


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